Accounts Receivable Financing

Accounts Receivable Finances Offers Your Business Funding Without a Loan

Traditional business loans are limited to a select group of companies. Businesses with little or no credit and companies only recently established do not always qualify for business loans. Some businesses do not want to acquire the debt and months of repayments associated with bank loans. Other companies simply need capital urgently and cannot wait for the lengthy bank approval process to access cash. The accounts receivable finance program at TripleCapital Commercial Finance Group is an excellent solution for any of these businesses. Your company can access cash by selling us your invoices at a discount instead of through a conventional bank loan.

Financing Your Receivables With TripleCapital Commercial Finance Group

accounts-receivable-financingFinancing receivables, also known as invoice factoring, is a faster and simpler solution for accessing cash than a business loan. There are several significant differences between the two funding options:

  • Factoring focuses on your invoices and your customers’ credit standing. You can qualify for funding even if you have little or no credit history.
  • Factoring gets your company cash within days, instead of the weeks or months your business can wait for bank approval and funding.
  • Factoring does not incur debt. Since you are selling your invoices, you do not have to budget monthly repayments. We collect repayment from your customers.

Find Out About Qualifying for Funding Through Factoring

Our finance experts are available for a no-fee consultation. Contact TripleCapital Commercial Finance Group today to learn how you can access cash without a business loan.